As a licensed professional counselor, you have knowledge, awareness and skills that would be tremendously useful in times of strife. It is just a matter of getting that content “out there” in the public.
Tag: social media
A survey of nearly 200 high school students sheds light on some of the primary issues confronting today’s teenagers and offers insights into what schools can do to help them navigate those challenges.
It is possible that some of the men who end up in your office may experience symptoms related to a negative body image. By helping clients confront the negative thoughts that plague their minds, we can potentially eliminate the harmful and, most times, irrational thoughts that haunt them.
For much of human history, the idea of adolescence being a distinct life stage was nonexistent. True, in the Middle Ages, children were recognized not merely as “mini” adults but as distinct beings with different needs. However, the years from ages 13 to 19 were not considered part of childhood
Instagram tells millions of stories. Many exhibit our personal daily moments, and, from a wider lens, others describe entire populations and social movements. With 800 million users, Instagram is one of the biggest and richest collections of societal data on the planet. We can learn a lot by noticing what
Thanatechnology : Any kind of technology that can be used to deal with death, dying, grief, loss and illness. Kelly (an alias), an eighth-grader, sits with her friends in the school auditorium as her principal calls out the names of each of her classmates who were killed in the
As humans, we are wired to fear the unknown. A case in point: We often look askance at new technology, suspicious that it will completely upend our lives and perhaps even destroy society as we know it. These dire predictions have greeted every new technology, going back (in all likelihood)
Many of us are aware of the ebb and flow of people seeking counseling services. Around the holidays and the beginning of the school year, more calls come in for help. During the summer, things slow down a bit. Having provided technology consultation to mental health clinicians for seven years
To many people, social media is the best thing since the abacus, transforming the way we live and do business. It offers us a world of knowledge with the stroke of a few keys and the briefest of pauses. Of course, social media can be both a tool and a
As a guy who doesn’t even use a cellphone, I’m not exactly what many would consider a technology wizard. Still, I make sure to maintain an updated and functioning website and a viable and active social media presence for the charity that I direct. This has helped us not only