“Each of us inherits the story of our people, communities, nations, and it is remembered through, with and in the context of the land and seas, and air, and creatures.” — Kimberly Ruffin   Anna, a small-framed 15-year-old Caucasian female, sat engulfed by the overstuffed chair in my office. She

Around the globe, coastlines are encroaching on communities, summer days are sweltering and reports of weather catastrophes often dominate the news media. These examples represent only a few of the monumental and pervasive environmental effects of our changing planet. Climate change may be the most crucial issue confronting the inhabitants of

“Once there was a tree … and she loved a little boy” — from The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein   *****   I recently returned from a wonderful week in Nova Scotia featuring painted clapboard cottages against blue skies and a seascape of majestic hills and swirling tides. With