Tips to get counselors and clients through the cold and flu season, from clarifying your cancellation policy to keeping a “care kit” of lozenges, tea, disinfectant wipes and other supplies at the ready.
Tag: Counseling Connoisseur
“When the well is dry, we know the worth of the water.” — Benjamin Franklin The holidays are over. The ornaments are boxed and put away. The tree is at the curb ready to be recycled for mulch. The eggnog and cookies are gone leaving behind only the memory
“Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.” ― Emily Dickinson I recently had a visit from my daughter, son-in-law and (almost) five-year-old grandson, Nicolas. They reside in Florida and in an attempt to make up for an absent Thanksgiving, we combined the holidays in
“Each of us inherits the story of our people, communities, nations, and it is remembered through, with and in the context of the land and seas, and air, and creatures.” — Kimberly Ruffin Anna, a small-framed 15-year-old Caucasian female, sat engulfed by the overstuffed chair in my office. She
“The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.” ~ Leo Tolstoy As I sit on my patio, warmed by the early autumn sun, I breathe in the alchemy of rosemary, thyme and oregano and a variety of mints — aromas from my herb garden. The squirrels chatter as
“My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue, an everlasting vision of the ever-changing view.” ~ Carole King Summertime often brings opportunities to gather with family and friends. Over grilled goodies and cold beverages, we wallow away the hours, reminiscing of old and fabricating new visions and
She wanted a hero… so that’s what she became ! –Anonymous Clad in her patriotic unitard and silver arm bands, her dark mane cascading as she twirls her golden lasso of truth, Wonder Woman has become an icon of beauty, physical strength and moral character. Her conception in 1941 has
My schedule is abysmal. I methodically pluck each hour and consume it with some obligation. At the end of my day, my free time is as nonexistent and barren as a sweet-corn field in October. — Cheryl Fisher ***** Exams are graded. Grades are finally posted. Commencement pomp and
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” — Anatole France ***** On Jan. 22, following a three-week whirlwind diagnosis and decline, my husband and I said goodbye to our 6.5-year-old goldendoodle, Lily. Her disease had rendered this Frisbee-catching superstar unable to
Editor’s note: CT Online columnist Cheryl Fisher writes this appreciation of Irvin Yalom in anticipation of his keynote address at ACA’s upcoming 2017 Conference & Expo in San Francisco. Find out more at **** “What I want is to be intimate with the knowledge that life