“Nothing is hopeless; we must hope for everything.”― Euripides   Recently I was invited to provide an afternoon keynote at a conference examining community trauma and human violence. The morning keynote speaker, Reverend Matt Crebbin, gave a compelling presentation about his congregation’s role in helping Newtown, Connecticut rise from the

“Each of us inherits the story of our people, communities, nations, and it is remembered through, with and in the context of the land and seas, and air, and creatures.” — Kimberly Ruffin   Anna, a small-framed 15-year-old Caucasian female, sat engulfed by the overstuffed chair in my office. She

“My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue, an everlasting vision of the ever-changing view.” ~ Carole King Summertime often brings opportunities to gather with family and friends. Over grilled goodies and cold beverages, we wallow away the hours, reminiscing of old and fabricating new visions and

  “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” — Anatole France   *****   On Jan. 22, following a three-week whirlwind diagnosis and decline, my husband and I said goodbye to our 6.5-year-old goldendoodle, Lily. Her disease had rendered this Frisbee-catching superstar unable to