Counselors have a responsibility to take care of their own mental health before they can help others with their well-being.
Tag: Counselor Wellness
Counselor Wellness
Counselors will inevitably be confronted by countertransference, but by learning to recognize and manage it, an experience that has sometimes been stigmatized can become a tool for professional and personal growth.
A regimen of mindfulness practices, meetings with a professional support network and authentic sharing with his natural supports helped a counselor accept and manage the symptoms of vicarious trauma.
Three research studies suggest that counselors did not burn out at a higher-than-normal rate during the first year of COVID-19, but the experience of pandemic fatigue remains an ongoing challenge.
When clinicians shy away from engaging in therapy themselves, they are limiting their ability to be effective counselors.
ACA kicked off its 2021 Virtual Conference Experience with a keynote panel on counselor self-care.
Yoga-informed self-care strategies give counselors the tools they need to avoid burnout and thrive for years to come.
It is important for counselors to stop and consider whether their perspectives and patterns are forging paths of regret or paths of health and healing.
A technique adapted from the world of theater may offer counselors a helpful way to deal with sensitive subjects, remain present and engaged with clients, and still leave work at the door at the end of each day.
A practical model for integrative self-care can help counselor clinicians, supervisors, counselor educators and organizational leaders in their efforts to further wellness development.