Attorney Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler and private practitioner Burt Bertram are collaborators in a mission to teach counselors how to steer clear of the profession’s common legal pitfalls. Serving as the consultant for the American Counseling Association Insurance Trust Risk Management Help Line for the past two decades, Wheeler is

The adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” resonates for me when I think about the work of professional counselors. This is also true in terms of the preparation and continuing professional development that counselors undertake, first as graduate students, and then as they move into

As wildfires scorched Southern California in October and November 2007, the prevailing images that emerged from the news coverage were of the million-dollar homes, many perched precariously, yet grandly, on hillsides, seemingly standing sentry as the flames advanced to consume them. As these real-life dramas played out on national television,

In recent decades, the American Counseling Association has given voice to a variety of issues that have helped to shape our profession. However, two areas continue to challenge our efforts to represent all counseling professionals. One question with which we continue to grapple: Who is or should be part of

I met my team members at headquarters at 4 a.m. so we could begin the 1.5-hour drive up the mountain for a briefing with local firefighters. On this day, residents of the Lake Arrowhead area of California would also be allowed up the mountain to see the sites where their