“This Southern Belle might have something scary inside,” my supervisor once said. It seemed my delicate, feminine appearance was working against my getting a coveted spot at the human rights organization where she worked, but that spark of something to be reckoned with shown through. In the months since, my
Tag: Human Development Across the Lifespan
Human Development Across the Lifespan
When Hilda Davis Carroll turned 60, she was between counseling positions following a layoff. As she watched the sun rise on the morning of her birthday, she thought to herself, “OK, I’m 60. Where do I go from here, and what am I going to do with the rest of
Sometimes the easiest tasks can be so difficult to perform. Mindfulness meditation has always fallen into this category for me. I struggle so much to get myself to sit down and meditate on a regular basis, even though I know from experience that when I sit in meditation for even
Life guarantees us two things: change and loss. Together they compose the unpredictable rhythm of life. They also exert tremendous pressure on the soul. If we don’t stop long enough to notice, we’ll wake up one day and wonder why the light has gone out of our eyes and why passion
Early on in her career as a professional counselor, Sally Atkins was working with a client who was suicidal and experiencing severe depression. Progress was painfully slow, and after several sessions, Atkins feared she and the client had reached an impasse. “As a kind of last resort, I said out