Novice and experienced counselors alike too often ignore this process for understanding and explaining a client’s presenting issues and guiding the counseling process.
Tag: Assessment
When mental health professionals are left to base their decisions on what they feel or think is effective rather than on the results of research and standardization, they are putting their clients — and themselves — at greater risk.
Counselors embedded in a trauma center in a busy hospital facility find that suicidality and medical trauma often intersect with alcohol or substance use.
The most effective solution to rampage violence, such as school or workplace shootings, is early, easy and frequent access to care for potential perpetrators, says Brian Van Brunt, author of Harm to Others: The Assessment and Treatment of Dangerousness. Counselors play an integral part in this care, through identifying individuals
“Amanda” sat on the couch across the room from me drawing on a sketch pad. A lovely young girl of 14, she weighed scarcely 100 pounds, and with her cheery and naïve smile, she looked as innocent as they come. If I hadn’t seen attachment disorders many times before, I
Diagnosisitis. Or, as it’s more commonly known, overpathologizing — an affliction that affects many counselors both seasoned and new. People most often come to counselors because they have a problem and need help. As counselors, whenever someone comes to see us, we flip the switch and turn on the counselor
Danica G. Hays, an associate professor of counseling and department chair at Old Dominion University, is the editor of the fifth edition of Assessment in Counseling, published by the American Counseling Association in November. Hays, a member of ACA, the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling, the Association for Counselor
Given the extensive research on eating disorders, motivated clients and a gold standard treatment — cognitive behavior therapy — it is perplexing that recidivism rates remain so high for bulimia. It behooves us as counselors to investigate possible hindrances to effective treatment and adjust our approach accordingly for those clients
Offering counseling treatments that are backed by research is a personal passion for R. Trent Codd. When he founded the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Center of Western North Carolina 11 years ago, it was with the mission of delivering and disseminating evidence-based treatments. His practice hires only clinicians who are trained in
A Columbus, Ohio, mother and her two children are stabbed to death. A mother and grandmother is beaten and shot to death in Newark, Ohio. A Logan, Ohio, mother with three children under the age of 6 is kidnapped and strangled; her body is dumped in a sewer. The commonalities? Each of