Having a website is a building block that is integral to most successful businesses these days. This is no different for counselors running a nonprofit, agency, private practice or other venture. Increasingly, people are connecting with their service providers by first encountering them online through directory listings and websites. Even

U nlike social media, scams aren’t something new brought on by the advent of technology and the internet. Con artists, swindlers, charlatans, grifters — whatever you might call them — have existed since the dawn of humanity. What is new, however, is that these purveyors of fraud can carry out

I often receive questions during consultations that require fairly brief answers. Although I tend to focus on “big picture” topics in this column, I thought I’d take a break from that routine to answer some of the most popular questions I get asked related to technology in private practice. Some

Last year, I interviewed a counselor who had been conducting text counseling via the Talkspace service (see ct.counseling.org/2016/06/technology-tutor/). Not long after this, two articles were published that brought some of the legalities and ethics of the Talkspace model into question (see bit.ly/ForbesTS and bit.ly/TSVerge). Given the continued growth of telehealth