Knowing the multicultural considerations of the Asian American population — and prioritizing culturally sensitive treatment approaches — has become an essential service now and for the foreseeable future.
Tag: race
Counselors can tap into their interpersonal skills to facilitate meaningful dialogue that invites others to engage rather than become defensive.
To work effectively with these clients, counselors must acknowledge the institutionalized racism and race-based oppression that influence clients’ trauma experiences and trauma responses.
When Europeans first made contact with the indigenous peoples of the Americas, a path toward Eurocentrism was set in the Western Hemisphere. In the years since the conquest and colonization of North America and the establishment of the United States, the cultural values and social policies of this country have
Hearing jokes about watermelon and grape Kool-Aid. Hearing someone talk about their “half-colored” nephew’s “nappy” hair. Being called “boy.” This is what I experienced over the year that I led an addictions process group in rural Appalachia. After working in the area for almost four years, I had grown accustomed
When Barack Obama was elected the first African American president of the United States in 2008, some optimistic observers thought that American society had finally reached a post-racial age. As the past two-plus years have highlighted vividly, however, the significance of race and the influence of racism on the American
Over a five-year period, my colleagues and I have conducted a series of studies to explore the psychology of racial dialogues or “race talk” in the training of counselors and other mental health professionals. As we become an increasingly diverse society, it is impossible for counselors not to encounter clients
[ Editor’s note: Roughly one year ago, CT Online wrote an article about the initiatives the counseling department at the University of Missouri – St. Louis (UMSL) was engaging in as protests and turmoil rocked the city of Ferguson after Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was fatally shot by
On June 17, 2015 several members of the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, sat in a basement to share in Bible study. They welcomed a visitor to their Bible study that night — a visitor who would later murder nine of the people in that
I grew up in a low-income housing project on the South Side of Chicago. I faced many challenges as a young girl in this homogenous and sometimes destructive community. Of the many things I experienced while growing up poor, I’d like to raise some awareness of how black girls continue