Nonprofit News is dedicated to examining issues that are of particular interest to clinicians working in nonprofit settings. Among the biggest fears for directors of nonprofit programs are bankruptcy, closure, takeover and termination. These problems can be headed off by providing good leadership, making wise decisions and ensuring the overall

Nonprofit News covers issues that are of interest to counselor clinicians working in a nonprofit setting. This month’s column focuses on several common mistakes that can have a deep impact on your program. No matter how talented the clinician or staff, mistakes will indeed occur from time to time. The

Nonprofit News aims to help demystify many of the areas associated with successful nonprofit programming — programming that is typically not a part of clinical programming. One of the biggest concerns for clinicians working in nonprofits is the need to find and secure funding through grants and donations. For counselors,

Starting a nonprofit is far from sexy. Many folks start out with a dream that often has them playing the role of a metaphorical knight in shining armor slaying the dragons of oppression, but the reality is often far from exciting. Though painful at times, unsexy issues such as defining

A new program or group practice should be incorporated to help protect against personal liability issues. It also helps to separate personal funds, property and related items from that of the new entity. When determining the type of incorporation, it is recommended that counselors consult a tax specialist and an