Attendees of next month’s 2013 American Counseling Association Conference & Expo  in Cincinnati will be treated to a new series of conference sessions aimed at shedding light on research that uniquely benefits clients.  Called the Client-Focused Research Series, these 30-minute presentations aim to increase awareness of research that focuses on improving

Attendees of next month’s 2013 American Counseling Association Conference & Expo in Cincinnati will be treated to a new series of conference sessions aimed at shedding light on research that ACA members are doing on topics that uniquely benefit clients.   Called the Client-Focused Research Series, these 30-minute presentations aim

Sachin Jain has been taking counselors, counselor educators and counseling students to rural India for the past six years in an effort to expand their worldviews and give a real-life picture of how individuals in different socioeconomic statuses live. But this past June, trip participants had an even more meaningful

Tony Colombrito has been a trained American Red Cross disaster mental health volunteer for the past two years, but it wasn’t until the Dec. 14 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., that he finally deployed. He spent nearly a week with residents of the town and

In December, after years of litigation, the court case Julea Ward v. Board of Regents of Eastern Michigan University was resolved. The resolution upheld the university counseling program’s policies and confirmed the ACA Code of Ethics as the guide for defining ethical behavior for professional counselors. The case also reiterated

Counselors are fond of telling clients that a drowning person can’t help others to get out of the water safely without first saving himself or herself, says Jane Myers, a professor in the Department of Counseling and Educational Development at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. But do counselors

For counselors, self-care is an ongoing and necessary endeavor in order not only to maintain their own wellness but also to provide the best care possible to clients. A feature story in the January issue of Counseling Today addresses exactly this topic — click here to read “Who’s taking care of

ACA member Jane Webber was interviewed Tuesday on NPR‘s Morning Edition regarding the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn. Webber is an associate professor in the counseling program at New Jersey City University, former president of the New Jersey Counseling Association and current member of the ACA Crisis Response Planning Task

One of the most contentious changes in the soon-to-be released fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) is the American Psychiatric Association’s decision to drop Asperger’s syndrome from the manual and place it under the category for autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In a statement, the American

From now through Dec. 21, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is seeking public input on its concept paper, SAMHSA’s Working Definition of Trauma and Principles and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach. SAMHSA has developed the following working definition of individual trauma: Individual trauma results from an