Brandon Ballantyne, 28, a licensed professional counselor at Reading Hospital in Reading, Pa., has found a way to use his passion for the arts to help his teenage clients. Ballantyne, a member of the American Counseling Association and the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, has been a drummer for more than 15
Category: Online Exclusives
This is the first in a series of articles in which Counseling Today interviews editors and authors of newly published or soon-to-be published books from the American Counseling Association. First up is Thomas H. Hohenshil, professor emeritus of counselor education at Virginia Tech, associate editor of the Journal of Counseling
Despite recent efforts from the Department of Defense to stem the rise in military suicides, the number of service members who took their own lives last year appears to have topped the number of troops killed in combat. Despite the Pentagon’s recent efforts to hire more mental health workers, begin
When historic “superstorm” Hurricane Sandy tore through the East Coast this past October, more than 120 lives were lost and countless others were changed forever, as storm victims were forced to rebuild homes, businesses and lives in the aftermath. Two counseling students at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, N.J.,
The cover story of our February issue, “Bully pulpit,” focused on the critical role that counselors, and school counselors in particular, play in combating bullying among children and adolescents. As an online sidebar to our cover story, Counseling Today caught up with new professional Dennielle McIver, a counselor who is aiming
Sachin Jain has been taking counselors, counselor educators and counseling students to rural India for the past six years in an effort to expand their worldviews and give a real-life picture of how individuals in different socioeconomic statuses live. But this past June, trip participants had an even more meaningful
Tony Colombrito has been a trained American Red Cross disaster mental health volunteer for the past two years, but it wasn’t until the Dec. 14 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., that he finally deployed. He spent nearly a week with residents of the town and
For the past seven years as a school counselor at Valdosta High School in Valdosta, Ga., Brian Law has collaborated with the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS) and coordinated a program to help needy families and children in the district. With the help and input of the school
In December, after years of litigation, the court case Julea Ward v. Board of Regents of Eastern Michigan University was resolved. The resolution upheld the university counseling program’s policies and confirmed the ACA Code of Ethics as the guide for defining ethical behavior for professional counselors. The case also reiterated
The months immediately after graduation can be a time of transition for counseling students, as they look to carve out a professional identity and find a counseling niche in their communities. With firsthand experience of this time of adjustment, a group of recent grads working as counseling interns in San