Researchers discovered that anxiety is more common in people living in Western countries whereas depression is more commonly reported in the East. Treating patients suffering from PTSD with with Accelerated Resolution Therapy can substantially reduce symptoms. Recounting old and new memories can bias actions in the future. Revenue raised for the state
Category: CT Daily
More than 100 of the American Counseling Association’s branch, region, and division leaders and emerging leaders convened in Alexandria, Va., to learn what it means to be a leader in a changing society and receive updates on the latest issues impacting the counseling profession at the fourth annual ACA Summer Institute for
The fear, dread and other negative feelings that come with anxiety disorders can affect everyday decision-making. Seniors can combat loneliness with mindfulness. Infants with dads who were involved in the early months of their development had fewer behavioral problems as 1-year-olds. The bombings, violence and instability impacting the daily lives of those in
Researchers confirm that depression and anxiety are worldwide problems. As revisions to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) are about to begin, transgender advocates are working to ensure the new wording alters the mental illness perception on this population. A combination of cognitive behavioral therapy
Researchers found that high-functioning adolescents with an autism spectrum disorder have reduced connectivity in parts of their brain that affect social behavior. A blogger examines how a person’s socioeconomic status affects the value that he or she places on personal choice. Low-income mothers are more likely to be classified with an
An increase in child abuse could be linked to an increase in home foreclosures. Women with higher job strain are 67 percent more likely to experience a heart attack than women with low strain at their jobs. Researchers are looking into the use of mindfulness techniques such as meditation to help
The Counseling Today staff recently received word that it has won a total of four awards in two separate national publications contests. Senior writer Lynne Shallcross’ article, “A day that changed a nation and a profession,” earned honors both in the APEX (Awards for Publication Excellence) 2012 competition and the
Gender stereotypes can lead women in the science field to quit their jobs. Asian-Americans rarely report instances of domestic violence to law enforcement or seek care from health providers. Spending time on self-reflection can yield positive results to one’s development and well-being. All new moms should be screened for postpartum depression,
Researchers developed a new tool to help profile school bullies, and identified risk factors for predicting later aggression in the child participants. These risk factors include violence in the media, low parental involvement and physical victimization. A panel of experts is recommending that the Department of Defense better expand access to its services for
The Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC) Board has approved updates to the “ALGBTIC Competencies for Counseling Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex and Ally Individuals.” The taskforce responsible for the updates has been working for the past three years to update these competencies. The