Making friends isn’t always easy, but it can be especially challenging for neurodivergent adults.
Advocates and allies say counselors can take additional steps to offer support, both professionally and politically.
We must think beyond fill-in-the-blank traditional advocacy approaches and work toward greater collaboration among mental health providers.
Intimate partner violence among LGBTQ+ individuals often goes unacknowledged and untreated, despite occurring at rates equal to or greater than those experienced by heterosexual couples.
Clients often use their words and behaviors as weapons, and how counselors respond to this makes a difference in the therapeutic outcome.
Counselors can help clients who have experienced adult bullying learn to heal and take back their power.
Over the past year, ACA President Kimberly Frazier has worked hard to move the counseling profession and ACA forward with her three spotlight initiatives.
Approaching diagnosis through a lens that considers systemic, cultural and ecological factors leads to better treatment outcomes for clients.
ACA hosted an informational webinar on how the Mental Health Access Improvement Act will affect practicing counselors.
Counseling can help adults with bullying behaviors learn to change how they relate to others and accept responsibility for their actions.