O n a wall in my daughter’s former elementary school is a quote that reads, “Un experto en cualquier cosa, alguna vez fue principiante” (“The expert in anything was once a beginner” — Helen Hayes). I keep a picture of this quote on my phone and am mindful of these
Counselors who are working with college-aged clients with social anxiety should talk through and create a plan for the client to navigate the many anxiety-provoking situations that may arise as they begin (or return to) school.
Highly treatable but often passed off as shyness or awkwardness, social anxiety can bring clients to a counselor’s door when they’ve reached a breaking point and are no longer able to get by with their long-held coping mechanisms.
It is possible that some of the men who end up in your office may experience symptoms related to a negative body image. By helping clients confront the negative thoughts that plague their minds, we can potentially eliminate the harmful and, most times, irrational thoughts that haunt them.
“I believe the lessons and approaches presented in the PT model of conducting therapy, albeit in the physical realm, apply in very concrete ways to our work as professional counselors.”
“He had no reason to trust me. If I had been in his shoes, I wouldn’t have trusted me either.”
Impostor syndrome — and the sense of self-doubt, insecurity and inadequacy that accompany it — isn’t a stranger to most counseling professionals, and that’s ultimately good news.
Empathy allows for the full and complete exploration of thoughts, feelings and behaviors, with no intent to short-circuit the process simply because we cannot tolerate someone else’s pain.
Professional counselors possess the skills to mold groups that offer caregivers a safe place to voice their strong feelings and stressful experiences while receiving authentic empathic understanding in return.
Greetings! Although it is July, we are kicking off a new fiscal year at the American Counseling Association and transitioning leadership roles. I am excited to begin my term as president. I want to extend my appreciation to immediate past President Simone Lambert and acknowledge all of her contributions to