Counselors typically embrace the idea of advocating for clients and social issues, but the same passion and dedication must be extended to advocating for the profession itself.
Grief can be an isolating experience and now, more than ever, it is important to have strategies to stay connected to family and friends. We can still be together while observing physical distance and small group limitations.
The issue of counselor self-disclosure is always tricky, but it can be especially so for clinicians who must determine how — or whether — to come out to clients.
I n optometry, people hope for 20/20 vision. Roughly 15 years ago, ACA embarked on the seminal initiative 20/20: A Vision for the Future of Counseling. Well, here we are at the halfway point of 2020, and I feel like our vision for what lies ahead is cloudy. I never
A s I close in on serving for nearly a year as the president of the American Counseling Association, I would like to share with you some of the things I have learned about our profession and our association during this journey. Counselors are adaptable and experts in crisis. This
Even as the LGB community steadily gains wider acceptance across society, individuals who identify as transgender or gender nonconforming often struggle to find affirmation or even a safe place to be themselves.
We’ll get through this. Here are some ways we can manage our stress and that of our clients as we work through this pandemic.
Counselors can help clients and themselves develop effective coping strategies and build resilience as they respond to the anxieties surrounding COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic has radically altered the landscape for counselor clinicians and counselor educators, but even under the strain of having to adjust practices on the fly, professional counselors are identifying silver linings and potential opportunities.
Linking ideas from counseling with web design, political science or chemistry can lead to innovative solutions in any number of roles that counselors play, including as consultants, crisis responders or group facilitators.