Comparable to separation anxiety, parental anxiety stems from an increase in parental stress related to the reopening of states, businesses and schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Counselors should avoid any unnecessary breach of client information, but the prejudicial nature of revealing a client’s identity might be outweighed by the probative value for public health and slowing down this virus.”
Those who neglect to practice physical distancing, wear a mask or follow guidelines for proper hand-washing are putting both their own health and well-being at risk and the health and well-being of those trying to help them. This means that professional counselors, who are key providers of critical services, are put at risk. While it may be an individual’s “right” to put themselves in harm’s way, what if doing so places mental health professionals in danger? Frankly, that is not OK.
As a counseling professional, have you ever thought about starting your own business?
I have found that teletherapy takes a slightly different way of working with clients than does providing in-person sessions. I liken the two approaches to watching a movie versus reading a book of the same title.
Counselors and other helping professionals who are regularly exposed to others’ trauma almost invariably find themselves confronting symptoms of compassion fatigue at some point during their careers.
Counseling leaders involved in the strategic planning initiative that launched in 2005 reflect on how the multiyear endeavor helped to forge consensus and moved the profession forward.
Counselors have a role to play not only in helping clients cope with the mental health effects of climate change but also in fostering climate resilience in communities.
Counselors must determine how to select and implement evidence-based practices when working with child and adolescent clients via telemental health during times of crisis.
“… avoiding burnout is not enough. We need to set the bar higher to competently render care. Make no mistake, this is an ethical issue.”