The truth is that even when it is safe to resume previous activities, it will never be the same. It can’t be. Too much has happened.
Counselors, what’s on your bookshelf? The good books you read offer the same opportunity as therapy does: to connect with your emotions and your humanity.
A merging of chronology and genogram pushes clients toward rich insights regarding the identity of key moments in their lives and the reasons behind them.
It is important for counselors to stop and consider whether their perspectives and patterns are forging paths of regret or paths of health and healing.
Master conflict therapy provides counselors with an effective framework for going deeper with couples who present with a wide variety of relational and sexual problems.
The pandemic has given rise to some very specific worries that threaten to exert control over clients’ thoughts and behaviors, leaving counselors to rethink how they approach treatment.
We have entered a new environment, one in which we will still depend on our life experiences but also need to embrace how we will operate with those whom we interact. For counselors, this encompasses clients and students who have been affected and shaped by the pandemic.
As we look toward planning the next phase of our lives in a post-pandemic world, it seems to me it will be important to take a holistic approach that considers the emotional, social, physical, economic and spiritual values of one’s life, coupled with work and leisure activities. In doing so, a convergence or intersectionality occurs.
COVID-19 has largely redefined where people work, how people work and the workplace challenges that confront employees as they try to make ends meet.
Counselors are always looking for creative and inviting ways to better connect with clients, explore emotions, encourage new insights and reflections, and spur personal growth and development.