Why isn’t mental health therapy more affordable?
Winning doctoral level team celebrated for essay entry highlighting a counseling scenario using the ACA Code of Ethics.
The addition of providing mental health services in urgent/immediate care facilities would expand exposure and treatment to reduce the prevalence of mental health disorders —disorders that cost billions financially through expenditures and loss of work.
Allow discomfort to be part of your experience. Welcome it fully from the heart center. At the core of your pain or fear, you will grow and you will learn.
Winning masters level team celebrated for essay entry highlighting a counseling scenario using the ACA Code of Ethics.
Through first understanding the narratives and other barriers that discourage survivors from disclosing, counselors can provide a foundation of support and empowerment that leads clients toward healing.
ACA celebrates the top essayist in Future School Counselor Graduate Student Essay Competition
On the 75th anniversary of this acclaimed memoir of finding meaning and hope even in the midst of great suffering, Viktor Frankl’s ideas continue to influence and inform the field of mental health.
ACA celebrates the top essayist in Tomorrow’s Counselor Graduate Student Essay Competition
To provide stronger support to this community, it helps for counselors to understand the factors and prejudices that have historically contributed to anti-Asian sentiment and discrimination.