Faith can play an important role in a client’s healing process, but a lack of knowledge and training often makes counselors hesitant to incorporate it into the therapeutic session.
The mentoring relationship is a two-sided relationship that requires commitment and buy-in from both parties. You need to do a realistic assessment regarding the areas of growth that you need mentorship in and begin to research potential mentors who demonstrate the growth that you seek.
Rules are often a point of contention for parents and teenagers, but counselors have the skills to help both parents and teens put the situation into context and find common ground.
Counselors must strike a balance between maintaining young clients’ confidentiality and accommodating parents who want to be kept in the loop about their child’s progress in therapy.
Friction between parents and teenage children is an inevitable part of adolescent development, but often the parents need as much — if not more — work in counseling as the teen to build the skills needed to navigate conflict.
A selfie can say a lot about a person, and when used clinically, it can prompt deeper discussions about self-image and foster the therapeutic alliance.
Rwenshaun Miller challenged counselors to consider how culture affects counseling and to reflect on their well- being during the closing keynote of ACA’s 2022 Virtual Conference Experience.
ACA celebrates the top essayist in the Future School Counselor Graduate Student Essay Competition.
The mental health profession has come a long way in the past 100 years, but where is it headed?
Briana Scurry kicks off ACA’s 2022 Virtual Conference Experience and reminds counselors that hard work — in any profession — is what matters most.