Twenty years ago, the preponderance of Elaine Beckwith’s most troubling cases tended to center on substance abuse and the outpouring of near-psychotic clients cast into the general population after the onset of deinstitutionalization. The past few years have brought a new pattern to the fore, one as pronounced as it

According to the U.S. Department of Education, African American and Latino students drop out of school more frequently and have lower high school graduation rates than do their White non-Latino counterparts. There are many reasons for this achievement gap, including failing and under-resourced schools, students residing in unsafe and/or poor neighborhoods,

The American Counseling Association’s Professional Standards Committee has spent considerable time exploring the role of field placement in the development of counselors’ professional identity. Surveys on this topic were sent to professional counselors, counselor education programs, internship sites and graduate students. A review of the 148 completed surveys (out of

Finances just might be the great equalizer in the counseling room. From young clients struggling to live within a budget, to high-powered, high-income couples wrestling with disparate spending habits and long-term financial questions, money matters may be one of thte most complicated topics counselors will face. Just as childhood trauma