As of this past February, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continued to estimate that the rate of autism in the United States was on average one in every 110 children. “Challenging behaviors” is a broad term generally used to refer to any behavior that is a barrier to an individual

When taking my undergraduate and graduate classes many moons ago, my least favorite courses were Biopsychology and Cognitive Processes, during which our professors would lecture at great length about the structure and function of the brain. As a student embarking on a new career in mental health, I was aware

Cliff Hamrick was meditating long before he became a counselor, having found the practice useful for treating the depression he had experienced some years before. Now a private practitioner in Austin, Texas, Hamrick integrates Eastern and Western approaches to counseling because he believes it benefits his clients. Partway across the

The keynote speakers for the American Counseling Association 2013 Conference & Expo in Cincinnati (March 20-24) are well known in their respective fields. The circles in which they are famous and the perspectives from which they view the counseling process are quite different, however. Actor, humanitarian and mental health advocate