Solutions to the nationwide mental health provider shortage are often as complex as the reasons behind it.
Tag: Professional Issues
Professional Issues
Learn more about the national strategy to address the mental health crisis in the United States.
An introduction to the work of the ACA International Committee
By remaining clinically objective, do counselors inadvertently sacrifice the client’s humanity?
If counselors assume the role of a “savior,” then they risk stripping clients of their empowerment and ability to make meaningful progress.
Counselors must help clients recognize and reject weight stigma before they can begin to heal and reconnect to themselves.
Obtaining a professional counseling license should be the beginning of supervision and self-growth, not the end of it.
Counselors must strike a balance between maintaining young clients’ confidentiality and accommodating parents who want to be kept in the loop about their child’s progress in therapy.
A counselor offers guidance on how to navigate difficult interactions in the workplace.
Find answers to common questions counselors have about the new edition of the DSM.