Roughly one in 10 Americans over the age of 11 takes antidepressant medication, according to data released this past fall by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Antidepressants are the third most common prescription taken by Americans of all ages and the most common among Americans ages 18-44. The rise
Tag: Depression
He had made his Decision. My family and I were halfway to London when our train made one of its usual stops at a station. Normally, the doors would close again in about 30 seconds, and we would be on our way. But this time, we waited for five minutes. It
Often, it is difficult for people with depression to come forward with their struggle to friends and family, and a new survey reveals that many depressed people often hide their symptoms from doctors as well. Forty-three percent of the 1,054 respondents polled said they would keep symptoms of depression to themselves.
In a roll call of diseases, few provoke such deep feelings of dread and fear as Alzheimer’s, the fatal brain disorder that mercilessly assaults the mind as well as the body, eventually rendering persons incapable of remembering or connecting with others, and stealing their very identity in the process. More