Kit Myers, a transracial adoptee, in his cover story for Gazillion Voices online magazine, states, “As we grow older … many adoptees slowly begin to understand the complexity of adoption and the violence of separation, secrets and racial difference that accompanies the loving parts of adoption. Rarely is there space for

In conjunction with National Adoption Month , which promotes the awareness of the need for adoptive families for children in foster care, Counseling Today spoke with Kara Holt about how to counsel adopted clients. Holt, an assistant professor in the University of Wyoming counseling program, is a member of the

Laura Hoskins, who runs a private practice in Brattleboro, Vt. and specializes in adopted children and their families, offers some recommended reading for counselors working with adopted and foster children:   For clinicians and parents: Creating Capacity for Attachment by A. Becker-Weidman Twenty Things Adopted Children Wish Their Parents Knew by Sherrie Eldridge