Q: I have interviewed (for employment) with a medical clinic. They would like to hire me. However, the issue of LCPC (master’s degree licensed counselor) nonpayment for Medicare seems to be the roadblock. They seem to have a large percentage of Medicare clients, and they believe they would lose money
Category: Special Features
NOTE: This article refers to the 2005 ACA Code of Ethics. A newer, updated version of ACA Code of Ethics (2014) is available here: counseling.org/knowledge-center/ethics. See section A.5, “Prohibited Noncounseling Roles and Relationships” for more on this topic. All ACA members are required to abide by the ACA
The multicultural counseling movement has taken center stage in the counseling profession. In doing so, it is transforming the way many persons think about their roles as professional helpers and the types of competencies they need to acquire to foster the healthy development of larger numbers of people from diverse
Editor’s note: American Counseling Association members received the 2005 ACA Code of Ethics bundled with the December 2005 issue of Counseling Today. (It is also available online at www.counseling.org/ethics.) Completed over a three-year period, this revision of the ethical code is the first in a decade and includes major updates