Simone Lambert provides a wide-angle view of her recently completed year as ACA president and highlights some of the issues likely to influence the counseling profession’s direction for years to come.
Category: Features
Impulse-control disorders can exert a firm grip on children and adults alike, and if left unaddressed, they can end up wreaking havoc, not just for the individuals who have them but for everyone else in their orbit.
Heather Trepal didn’t initially set out to become a counselor, but as she takes the reins as ACA’s 68th president, no one questions her drive and desire to advocate for the profession she grew to love.
Counselors can help stepfamilies normalize their struggles, navigate complex family dynamics, and work toward establishing a more cohesive, stable and supportive family environment.
Counselors can come alongside parents to help them adjust their perspectives on the purposes of and approaches to the contentious topic of child discipline.
The arrival of a new baby is cause for celebration, but it also comes with night feedings, diaper changes and, often, a host of psychological stressors, from intense feelings of self-doubt to struggles with identity.
The pursuit of perfection becomes problematic when people won’t grant themselves permission to make mistakes and instead cede total command to their self-critical voice.
Self-disclosure can establish trust and strengthen the bond between counselor and client, but the trick is knowing when it is (and isn’t) an appropriate tool to use.
As people in a helping profession, many counselors know the frustration of something getting in the way of us being there for our clients. At some point in our careers, we all must deal with scheduling conflicts, illnesses, weather delays and other events outside of our control. Typically, these are
Sleepless nights. Sudden temperature spikes and night sweats. Fluctuating moods. Brain fog. Sudden hair loss (head). Sudden hair growth (face). Dry skin, leaky bladder, pain during intercourse. This litany of symptoms may sound like the signs of a mysterious and slightly terrifying disease, but they’re actually all possible side effects