The saying goes that time heals all wounds, but for three University of New Orleans (UNO) graduate counseling students whose homes were flooded when the levees broke after Hurricane Katrina, the memories are still painful. At the same time, the three students – each from a different walk of life

“You’re young — it will happen eventually.” “Miscarriages aren’t uncommon. Don’t worry.” “It wasn’t really a baby yet.” “Maybe you should consider adopting.” Even when spoken sincerely, these “words of wisdom” are not necessarily the most appropriate or comforting to a couple who has experienced an early pregnancy loss. According

This August marks the two-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast, among other areas, is still struggling to rebuild, both physically and emotionally. In her ongoing efforts to help the region recover, Carol Buchanan Jones, a member of the Mississippi Counseling Association, a state branch of the

On the basis of their presentations at the Asia-Pacific Childhoods Conference in Singapore last year, Fred Bemak and Rita Chi-Ying Chung, both counselor educators at George Mason University in Virginia, were invited to take part in a mental health exploratory mission to Myanmar recently. The United Kingdom division of Save

As the news of mass shootings at Virginia Tech unfolded on April 16, few were better equipped to appreciate the tragedy’s impact than American Counseling Association member Nancy Miller. A former licensed school counselor who is now in private practice, Miller understood the mental anguish created by such an event.

A coordinated and consolidated effort to proactively put the counseling profession on more solid ground in the future has moved steadily forward in the last year. Delegates representing 29 different counseling associations and entities met yet again at the most recent American Counseling Association Convention in Detroit to discuss the

As a nation, we have watched and grieved with Virginia Tech. We have been moved by the images of candlelight vigils, tears, flowers and balloons. We have worn the school colors and proudly declared, “We are all Hokies today!” And we have learned about the university’s motto, “ut prosim,” which