Researchers have found that more than one in five American youngsters experience bullying victimization from their peers – and prevalence is higher among children under age 12.
“Focusing primarily on the race of the provider and the client, while valid, is an approach that does not consider the system itself, the functions of the diagnosis, and its structurally developed links to protest, resistance, racism and other associations that work against the therapeutic connection.”
Many clinicians in the field tend to neglect mental imagery despite evidence suggesting that it can be very helpful for clients who do not respond well to CBT ‘thought’ interventions.
By using practical, attachment-informed approaches, counselors can build effective therapeutic alliances with youth frequently dismissed as being ‘resistant.’
Having a child with autism affects the entire family system, meaning counselors must take a wide-angle and long-term view when determining how best to offer guidance and encouragement.
T he strength of a group is not measured by what its members do for themselves but rather in their humanity to help others. During the past two months, I have seen the care and compassion of our members and countless other mental health professionals play out over and over.
I f you had asked me what I was looking forward to in the spring of 2020, I would have said, without a doubt, the ACA Conference & Expo in San Diego. As you know by this point, in mid-March our Governing Council made the difficult decision to cancel the
Jane Myers and Tom Sweeney are the only husband and wife couple who have both been presidents of the American Counseling Association. They made substantial contributions to the evolution of the counseling profession, in addition to their work during their presidencies and as active members of ACA’s governmental structure.
For cancer survivors, the in-the-trenches treatment may be complete, but their processing and healing are just beginning.
Knowing the multicultural considerations of the Asian American population — and prioritizing culturally sensitive treatment approaches — has become an essential service now and for the foreseeable future.