Counselors can use these five tips to optimize their therapist directory profile and grow their business.
Telebehavioral health emerges as one positive change in a post-pandemic world.
“What you learned in your legal and ethical issues class may not cleanly or clearly apply in a crisis situation.”
Digital mental health has been touted as a solution to filling the mental health access gap, but do these platforms really provide access for all?
Are your clients too dysregulated to access coping skills? Reset the nervous system.
Stigma surrounding mental illness may linger as the elephant in the room and negatively affect client outcomes if counselors don’t recognize and address it in session.
Kimberly Frazier, ACA’s 71st president, is comfortable with challenging the status quo and passionate about promoting diversity, mentoring, and counselor wellness and self-care.
“I am excited to embark on this new journey, and I hope that I can inspire students, clinicians, professors, researchers and members along the way.”
The lack of evidence-based research supporting somatic therapy raises skepticism among many clinicians, but for those who do use it with clients, the benefits are clear.
The fact that counselors are, by nature, helpers and are often willing to give freely of their time does not mean that they should be treated unfairly as a labor force.