Caregiving is challenging at any age, but older adults who find themselves in this role face unique stressors that can affect their own well-being.
As we begin the new year, it is important to reflect on why you answered the call to be a leader and advocate within the counseling profession and reexamine how you are expanding your knowledge and skill set to best answer that call.
What counseling topics were the most popular in 2022? Our most-read articles dealt with stress, anxiety, youth mental health, relationships, counselor training, legalized marijuana and the need for financial change.
Counselors will deal with resistant clients, so they need to learn to recognize when it happens and know what to do about it when it does.
Self-care is always easier said than done, but with these four steps, counselors can ensure they are taking time to care for and invest in themselves.
Licensed professional counselors are one step closer to being reimbursed for mental health services to clients with Medicare.
Home visits come with many potential challenges, but the ease and accessibility may make all the difference to the client.
Job burnout can affect our professional and personal life but following these tips can help us regain a healthy perspective.
Having an adult child who is in an unhealthy relationship can leave parents feeling helpless, but with the support of a counselor, parents can learn to navigate this situation while still maintaining their own well-being.
If counselors assume the role of a “savior,” then they risk stripping clients of their empowerment and ability to make meaningful progress.