Counselors must help clients recognize and reject weight stigma before they can begin to heal and reconnect to themselves.
Month: November 2022
Weight stigma can show in counseling, so clinicians need to work to dismantle it both in themselves and in their clients.
Solution-focused brief therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy are effective — yet underutilized — clinical approaches counselors can use to help clients with depressive symptoms.
Obtaining a professional counseling license should be the beginning of supervision and self-growth, not the end of it.
Counselors need to be prepared to help clients who are undergoing cancer treatment process a range of emotions, including loss, anxiety, resentment and anger.
Because alexithymia can be a risk factor for a range of mental health problems, counselors need to know how to identify and treat the symptoms of this condition.
Counselors can build rapport with clients who belong to fandoms by creating a safe environment, incorporating fandom in session and acknowledging the important role it can play in their lives.
As technology continues to shape the world we live in, counselors must not only adapt to but also prepare for the change.
Faith can play an important role in a client’s healing process, but a lack of knowledge and training often makes counselors hesitant to incorporate it into the therapeutic session.
The mentoring relationship is a two-sided relationship that requires commitment and buy-in from both parties. You need to do a realistic assessment regarding the areas of growth that you need mentorship in and begin to research potential mentors who demonstrate the growth that you seek.