Jean is a troubled 40-year-old who has been working as a district manager for the same sales company for eight years. With three children at home, ages 12, 8 and 5, she is torn between priorities for her career and her family life. Her husband’s new job is going to
Month: December 2006
Let me wish all of you a happy, prosperous, healthy and peaceful new year. The staff and I enjoyed a few days off at the end of the month, but rest assured that we have returned to the office with a renewed vigor in hopes of doing even more to
The American Counseling Association announced last fall that Linda Ellerbee would serve as a keynote speaker for the 2007 Annual Convention in Detroit. Some may ask why an acclaimed television producer and former network journalist is speaking to a group of counselors. After all, what do journalists and counselors have
In December, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, in partnership with the Ad Council, launched a national, multimedia public service awareness campaign designed to decrease negative attitudes concerning mental illness. One of the campaign’s fundamental strategies is to encourage young adults to support friends who are living with
The counseling profession took a significant step toward full recognition under federal law with passage of legislation establishing licensed professional counselors as mental health specialists within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system. Passage of the legislation took place literally in the final hours of the 109th Congress
Cancer is a nondiscriminatory disease. It impacts persons from all cultural, ethnic and racial groups and backgrounds. The American Cancer Society reports that, as the second leading cause of death in the United States, cancer is projected to affect more than 1.4 million Americans by the end of 2006. Of
The recent revision of the ACA Code of Ethics significantly changes the ethical guidelines related to dual relationships. Careful review of the specific ethics code language addressing dual relationships is imperative in order to navigate this prevalent ethical issue. Though the 1995 code offered guidance on the topic of dual
Counseling Today is publishing a monthly column focusing on new aspects of the revised ACA Code of Ethics (the entire ethics code as well as previous “Ethics Update” columns are available on the American Counseling Association website at ACA Chief Professional Officer David Kaplan conducted the following interview with
Ben complained that he was passed over for promotions. His boss said, “You don’t seem to be able to handle the responsibility.” But Ben complained more, and the boss finally gave him a small project to work on as a chance to show his abilities. This project, unbeknownst to Ben
This month’s column is a bit of a potpourri: a wrap-up of the series on web resources and some announcements about new resources and upcoming programs. Online applications For the last two months, this column has examined some of the online tools available for job searches, including strategies for identifying