Richard Yep

Each year around this time, any number of charitable organizations begin their end-of-year giving campaigns. There are various reasons why charities conduct this annual ritual. For some people, giving during the holiday season to benefit the less fortunate rings true to who they are. Others make contributions as they approach the end of the calendar year because they are looking for ways to reduce their tax liability. Still others give whenever the mood strikes them, and this just happens to coincide with the end of the calendar year.

In this issue of Counseling Today, you will see both editorial content and advertisements that share the good work of the ACA Foundation. Rather than simply glossing over or disregarding this information, I would ask you to take just a few moments to learn about all that the Foundation is doing for ACA members, graduate students and the community. The ACA Foundation runs a pretty “lean” shop in that many of the donations it receives flow right back into its programs and the grants it provides to those who can benefit most. Those who donate to the Foundation know that their contributions will be put to good, focused and effective use.

I want to share a little news about a recent contribution I consider to be extraordinary. The ACA Foundation was honored when Dr. Gerald Corey and his wife, Marianne, chose to make a considerable contribution. They had only two requests for how their donation should be used. First, that the funds be directed toward helping graduate students attend the ACA Annual Conference. Second, that the ACA Foundation accept a challenge to match what Jerry and Marianne had donated.

I am pleased to note that at the Foundation’s meeting earlier this fall, its board members voted to embrace both of Dr. Corey’s requests. In fact, you can read about the Corey Graduate Student Conference Grant program on page 63. By rising to the challenge of matching the Coreys’ very generous contribution, the ACA Foundation board has ensured that the Corey Grants will be made for much more than just the 2010 ACA Annual Conference. The funds collected will continue to be used for a number of years to come to support graduate students who wish to attend the annual conference.

Although I realize that not everyone can make a donation as generous as the Coreys’, I want to reiterate that grassroots fund raising for causes has an important place in the work of the ACA Foundation. In fact, while we are extremely appreciative of large donor gifts such as the Coreys have provided, the truth of the matter is that most of the donations received by the Foundation are for substantially smaller amounts. And that is OK.

So when you make a contribution to the ACA Foundation, you really are voting with your checkbook. You are indicating a preference for supporting the work of YOUR professional association foundation. I hope you will continue your generous giving, because when we all do what we can, we are able to reach much higher goals as a community. I encourage you to visit the ACA Foundation website at to learn more about its good work.

Of course, I would appreciate your highest consideration of making a donation this year to the Foundation. You can make an online contribution, send a check or charge it to your Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover card. So please call us at 703.823.9800 ext. 222 or visit us at

I hope you will contact me with any comments, questions or suggestions that you might have. Please contact me via e-mail at or by phone at 800.347.6647 ext. 231.

Thanks and be well.