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White House: Counselors have role to play in fostering trust of COVID-19 vaccine

At an online event for mental health practitioners earlier this week, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy emphasized that professional counselors’ role as “trusted healers” in their communities affords them an important opportunity to support clients — and clear up misinformation — as they’re making decisions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. “The

Master conflict therapy as a critical component of couples and sex therapy

“We just don’t communicate well,” Merle reported in our first session while her husband, Luke, nodded quietly in agreement. Like many couples presenting for couples counseling, Merle and Luke believed “communication issues” were causing much of their relationship distress. As a couples therapist, I knew that “communication issues” could mean

The power of virtual group therapy during a time of quarantine

In our newfound world of physical distancing, the idea of six to eight people in a confined space might feel counterintuitive to the six-feet-apart mission we still find ourselves trekking in wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Yet the power of a group is exactly what could provide a profound healing

Parent-child interaction therapy for ADHD and anxiety disorders

When one hears the term “parent-child interaction therapy” (PCIT), it might be assumed the therapy’s purpose is solely for that specific use — i.e., for parents to use with their children. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, PCIT can be used in therapy sessions, then the

Counseling Connoisseur: Cannabidiol and mental health therapy

Carol presented with concerns related to continuous panic attacks that were jeopardizing her work as a medical professional. “I can’t think straight when they happen and I cannot be this debilitated when I see patients,” she explained. Carol had also been self-medicating with alcohol on the weekends to “ease the

From the president: Play: A critical modality

The smell of a new box of crayons. The feel of a fresh can of Play-Doh. The sight of little miniatures neatly arranged in a sandbox. The sound of a puppet scene being acted out. These sensory experiences remind many of us of our childhood play with friends and family.

Key concepts from Gestalt therapy for non-Gestalt therapists

Several years ago, I attended a reception for a faculty member whom we had recently hired in our department. She had just completed her doctoral degree, and this would be her first academic job. She had received her training in the Midwest in a program known for its emphasis on

Conversion therapy: Learning to love myself again

When I was 14, I came out as gay to my parents. I was confident in my decision and felt ready for the world to meet the real me. Many argue that I was too young, but I had recognized and understood my feelings for a very long time. I