As professional counselors and counselor educators, you work hard. You are dedicated and compassionate and feel a sense of responsibility to your students, clients and community. It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that, collectively, your work affects millions of individuals, couples, families and groups each and every day. Because this is the month when many in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving, I want to thank all of you for your selflessness and ability to help those who are facing challenges to live fulfilling, satisfied and meaningful lives.
I also want to know what makes you the special people you are. So, how about letting me know why you do what you do? For those who are willing to share, I want to express my appreciation by giving something back. Those who respond to the following requests will be entered into a “drawing” for something special. It is the least I can do to honor your good work (and because you took the time to read my column this month).
There are four ways to enter. Here is what I have in mind. Go to the ACA Connect site (members access this through the ACA website) or use this link: community.counseling.org/Home/. Post a message in the “Latest Discussion” section and share your response to the following question: What do you find most meaningful as a professional counselor or counselor educator?
Everyone who posts a response to that question by Friday, Nov. 21, will be eligible for one of 25 conference registrations for the ACA 2015 Conference in Orlando, Florida. There also will be some other valuable prizes that will help or support you as a professional counselor or counselor educator. In fact, a total of 100 prizes will be given.
If you go to the ACA Facebook page and “like” us, let me know you did so
by sending me an email at ryep@counseling.org. You, too, will be entered into my drawing.
The third way to enter your name into my drawing is to email me directly with your response to the question “What do you find most meaningful as a professional counselor or counselor educator?”
Last but not least, if you sign up for the ACA Government Affairs Network by sending an email to gtodd@counseling.org, you will also be entered into the drawing.
All entries must be in by Friday, Nov. 21. If you do all four things (ACA Connect, Facebook, email directly to me and sign up for the Government Affairs Network), you will have quadrupled your chances of winning because your name will be entered into the drawing four times. Those who win a prize will be notified during the week of Thanksgiving.
Here’s the fine print: Your responses may be used in a future column of mine so that your words will serve as inspiration to your colleagues.
Regardless, please know that your work is appreciated. You are making a positive impact, and I thank you for communicating your thoughts, concerns, suggestions and, yes, even criticisms. We can’t improve if we don’t know what’s on your mind. Although we may not always satisfy the needs of every single member, I am thankful to work with a staff that really is committed and dedicated to the counseling profession.
As always, I look forward to your comments, questions and thoughts. Feel free to call me at 800.347.6647 ext. 231 or email me at ryep@counseling.org. You can also follow me on Twitter: @Richyep.
Be well.