- Despite more Ritalin being prescribed in the United States, new research suggests that ADHD in children hasn’t necessarily worsened over the years. “Children are no more or less inattentive and impulsive today than in 1983,” claims the study, which came out last week in the Journal of Attention Disorders. “[This suggests] inattention and impulsivity are stable neurobiological traits largely unaffected by cultural, educational, and environmental factors.”
- Parents may get frustrated by their teens who talk back, but University of Virginia researchers have found a silver lining to all that arguing: Teenagers who are taught to argue effectively are more likely to resist peer pressure to use drugs or alcohol.
- According to the results of a new poll, American voters consider childhood obesity and bullying as their top priorities when it comes to childhood health concerns.
- People with high mental distress were found to have an increased likelihood of death from strokes, suggesting that the cardiovascular effects of psychological distress are not limited to coronary artery disease.
- A study from the University of Alberta finds that teen mothers are much more likely to experience abuse and postpartum depression than are older mothers.

Quick hits for June 19: Interesting reads for counselors from around the Internet